Saturday, January 30, 2010

random meh vegetable soup!

and, because i'm on a roll, this will be the third post in a row to be filed under humiliating confessions. what's on the agenda is a soup i made on november 30 (according to the date on my photos), was just ok. meh.

see? and you thought everything i ever make is fabulous. well, sometimes it isn't. the only thing that's kind of a bummer is that this one came from a recipe, and i can't really direct anyone to the problem, as i can't remember where the recipe came from.

let's see if we can figure out anything discerning from the pics, which are officially two months old.

i know: these are onions!



broth and bay leaves and...stuff!

some rather nice-looking kale!

i have absolutely no idea why i made soup with pretty much the same ingredients as other vegetable/kale soups that didn't taste very good. all i remember is that i tried a different recipe from the one that turned out amazing and delicious, and that in itself is a decision which defies reason and logic, and which i am left to ponder for another day.

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