Thursday, December 24, 2009

banana bread with chocolate chips!

i've been making banana bread for close to twenty years.

i feel the need to also say that, while i am proud of this fact, i've just had an existential moment going back and reading that last sentence and realizing that i am now old enough to be doing something like baking for close to TWENTY YEARS. while, yes, this does make me feel a bit old, i also know that i look pretty good for my age, and that, as the book says, its best not to sweat the small stuff. which is a gross and somewhat impossible saying.


as always, my holiday banana bread adventures are motivated by my dear uncle, because this is his favorite recipe of mine to eat. so, i made a bunch so that i could give it away - mostly to him as a holiday present. i didn't have my typical recipe on hand, but i looked this one up on the internet, and its pretty close to what i always use, but, alas, have not memorized.

as always, i omitted the nuts, because i don't like them in banana bread - they're just wasting space that, in my mind, rightfully belongs to the chocolate. and, as always, i added way more bananas then the actual recipe calls for. at least 150%, maybe more. i was in a hurry and so there aren't many pictures here, but i did go for one good one: everyone loves chocolate...

and, although i made four loaves, three fit nicely into the camera frame, so here they are:

what's that you say? you want to compliment me on those sliced bananas on top? i don't mind.

they make for a nice effect coming out of the oven. don't try and tell me they aren't cute - because that would be a fallacy.

mmm. banana bread with chocolate chips.

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