Saturday, December 5, 2009

st. louis food: part 3!

if i were to subtitle this post, it would be this: dessert and animals!

the dessert part is for this place...

at a gelateria there is really only one thing to order...gelato. mine was a mix of fancy vanilla and caramel. it wasn't the same as my beloved hometown capogiro, but it was quite nice. i'd eat it again. and again.


now, for the animals portion of this post...basically, i went to the st. louis zoo, which is awesome and FREE, and i wanted to share a couple of pics of cute animals. yes, i know this is a food blog, and so i am hereby stating that these are animals that i have never eaten, do not currently eat, and do not plan on eating, unless i am in a very strange, unforseeable circumstance in a different country where not to do so would mean horrific disrespect or an apocalypse.

so. in no particular order, i give you...

a hippo! this pic isn't even cropped. the hippo swam next to the glass where i was and waited for me to take a picture, and swam away. we are now BFF, like me and neko case.

asian elephant! who doesn't like elephants?

giant tortoise! i have always loved turtles and tortoises. when i was younger i wanted a turtle, but they were illegal, and i got a turtle keychain instead. the end.

this is a monkey. monkeys are the best.

this gorilla's name is joe. he was lounging.

and this is a baby orangutan named ruby. she was playing hide and seek right before her nap. this is her behind. you can tell i like the primates.

some fun bird that stared at me...

a penguin from the new penguin exhibit. i think he's posing...

and then there's the peacock. when i was 2 or 3, my mom took me to the zoo. i looked pretty much the same -- big blue eyes and short -- except i was technically littler. i was shy and quiet and didn't speak out of turn. story goes it was a busy day at the philly zoo, and when we walked in, the first thing we saw, amidst the throngs of people, were some peacocks walking about. i got very excited, pointed to a peacock, and shouted for all to hear, "look, mommy, a buffalo!" people stopped. laughed. stared. my mom looked kindly at me and at the people. she said, nodding towards me, "she doesn't get out much." aww.

28 years later, i still enjoy glimpsing the mighty buffalo.

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