Tuesday, November 24, 2009

leftovers and tetris!

here is the bottom of the fridge. it contains tupperware and pyrex-filled leftovers.
i can't decide whether to eat them or to play tetris with them. they both hold equal appeal.


in other news, 'nosh' is going on its first roadtrip! that's right - tomorrow, i'll be heading to st. louis, and will be there through sunday. i have big plans to take pics of lots of all things culinary with my crappy camera and crappy phone camera - and share them with everyone here. although, i feel i must point that, oddly, thanksgiving dinner may not be a part of this, since i'll be spending it at the house of people who have never met me, and i think the first impression of a girl who cares more about taking pictures of her food than anything else might be too much.

but then again, maybe not! life is an adventure. i've only been to st. louis once and, while really fun, was only for 24 hours. so, i'm looking to up the experience. on the food agenda this time is the pizza place the obama's shipped out from....i'm excited already.

happy thanksgiving y'all :)

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