Thursday, November 5, 2009

tempeh reuben!

i felt like a tempeh reuben, so i scoured the internets for various recipes, and basically threw stuff together from what was in the fridge minus buying the actual tempeh, saurkraut, and rye.

one must begin with the thousand island dressing, which is an odd name for an odd dressing. one, i might add, that has no business anywhere near my palate except in a thin layer when a reuben is involved.

you start with around 1/4 cup of ketchup:

add the same of whatever form of mayo you are into:

a few tablespoons of minced onion:

and a few teaspoons of some powdered mustard and some relish/minced pickle. and yes, i know this isn't pickle isn't 'minced,' but whatever - send the pickle police after me.

mix it all up and chill for an hour or so, so that the ingredients can get to know each other better.

we also must do the same for the tempeh to marinate in. i believe i pretty much used a few tablespoons of each of the following: water, olive oil, braggs liquid smoke, maple syrup, mustard, caraway seeds, oregano.

when ready to cook, heat a bit of oil in two different pans. in one, put the tempeh, and fry on both sides with the excess marinade, which eventually cooks off a bit like a syrup:

in the other, saute half a chopped onion until it starts to brown...

and then add some saurkraut so it warms and the flavors mix.

at this point, when things were mostly done, i put on the bread to toast and also heated up this soup. yes, i didn't make it, but i think i get points for buying organic and on sale, don't you?

assemble like so - dressing:

tempeh (this pic isn't slightly blurry. i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about):

saurkraut mixture:

mmm. hungry.

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