Monday, November 2, 2009

snobby joes!

i made snobby joes from veganomicon. what's nice is that, even though its from a book, isa is also kind enough to post it on her blog, the post punk kitchen, so i can also link you to the recipe (if you click here).

snobby joes are like sloppy joes, but different. you have to admit, there's something about sloppy joes you have a fond memory of. maybe its a recent memory. my sister, for example, is an omni and requests sloppy joes on her birthday every. single. year. this is partly because she loves them and partly because she loves the old 'manwich' commercial. i agree with her that sloppy joes can be fun and that its a catchy commercial, although i find the name of the product rather sexist and disturbing.

i think the 'snobby' part comes in because these are non-sexist and healthy, and because they are filled with lentils:

i, myself, am working my way up to loving lentils. this is a great recipe for that. because, you cook them and set them aside as you are also chopping up things like onions and peppers...

look! they change colors when cooked!

then you add the cooked lentils, some tomato sauce, tomato paste, various spices, and cook it up with a bit of maple syrup and yellow mustard. sadly, the pics of the cooking snobby joes were blurry and too embarrassing to post. i know - i was doing so well. oh well.

i'll have to make do with a pic of my finished plate. i served them with a baked sweet potato and some roasted broccoli, which was tossed with some olive oil, lemon juice, and a little minced garlic. i will say that i got full mid-way through and didn't touch the potato. lunch today will be the potato topped with left-over snobby joe(s ?), and i have no doubt it will be fabulous. this is excellent comfort food.

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