Saturday, November 7, 2009

neko smoothie!

i have a bit of a cold, and this is sad, because i don't want one. well, i never want one, but i particularly don't want one now, because i have a concert to go to tonight: neko case is playing two hundred feet from my apartment.

this is very exciting for two reasons:
1) its neko case, and i lurve her
2) it two hundred feet from my apartment, and that's part of the appeal.

oh - and there's a third...

3) the club is TINY. there is a real chance my height won't work against me for once and i'll see the "stage" and we'll make eye contact and stuff.

anyhoo, the sicky thing. the sicky thing could, in all likelihood, impair my ability to enjoy myself and sing very loudly. in order to combat this, i've been having smoothies the last few days for breakfast as part of a healthy regimen. here is one of them...

they are comprised of a few ice cubes, a banana, some frozen, organic berries, organic spinach, and light organic soy milk:

did i mention the spinach? lots of it. this was just for me:

i tried to get an action shot of the blending. it sort of worked:

look at the results - you can see sort of see flecks of green amongst the slightly blurry, brown sludge:

drink up!

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