Wednesday, November 11, 2009

toasted coconut cupcakes with buttercream frosting!

i haven't posted in a few days, and this post is still kind of a cheater post. this is because i've spent the last few nights helping out with auditions and call-backs of a play (and so dinners have been things like peanut-butter sandwiches and frozen things. there may even have been a 'tater tots at midnight' episode that won't be mentioned again.), and lunches and breakfasts have been things i've posted before or things i'm embarrassed to post or that i'm sure will be of interest to no one.

however, i will be cooking tonight.

and, i found a couple old pics of a fun dessert, so i thought i'd share.

this, my friends, is from a fun little cookbook that i got as a gift: vegan cupcakes take over the world: 75 dairy free recipes for cupcakes that rule. let me first say that this little cupcake cookbook is awesome. its square and small and cute and i've probably made five recipes out of it so far and each has been amazing and in no way could one tell that they were vegan. it was so awesome that i ordered the next in the series and i'm expecting it in the mail any day now. plus, anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that i'm a cookie girl, anyhow.

but i digress.

i give you, two somewhat-crappy-flash photos of: toasted coconut cupcakes with buttercream frosting! they are awesome and they are vegan - which is a bonus if you care about such things, and don't taste different from a non-vegan cupcake if you don't! here is an aerial view:

and here is a side view.

and, as a bonus, (click here) to get a view of the recipe, which another blogger has decided to post.

and, i must take a small opportunity to say...

happy veteran's day, everyone!

to everyone who is currently/or has served in the military - we are honored, proud, and in debt to your service. we respect you and thank you. i would give you all cupcakes, at the very least, if i could. and, to those of you who are unable to serve in the military because of your sexual preference, i protest that ignorant law as long as it stands. in the meantime - come have a cupcake with me, too.

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