Sunday, November 8, 2009

sweet potato / black bean quesadilla (minus the queso)!

i was all set to make sweet potato and black bean quesadillas a couple nights ago for dinner, but then the cold set in during the prep work and i felt like cooking nothing....but the good news is that lunch today was a snap since the sweet potatoes were ready to go and there was just me to please.

i put a handful of chopped onions and some garlic on to saute with a bit of cumin...

and added some mooshed up sweet potato, black beans, and a bit of salsa.

and corn. remembered the corn right after i took this picture. we love frozen, organic corn. yes we do.

and, lastly, a bit of this: tabasco brand chipotle sauce. i was introduced to this a few years ago, and i love it so much, that i would marry it if it were legal. we would have beautiful, fiery, red-headed children:

put the mixture in a tortilla, and cover with cilantro before folding and grilling lightly in a pan on both sides.

i like to eat mine with a little salsa and avocado on the side. it was a tasty and delicious lunch - well worth the wait.

p.s. the cold is finally on its way out. kleenexes everywhere can relax.

p.p.s. the neko case concert last night was awesome - we were in the front row and, once, she totally looked at me. this means we are now BFF!

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